Author Archives: james

Power Cut 3 – Fall of the machines

Something’s very wrong with the power here. It went off again this afternoon for about ten seconds. Just long enough to mess up all the computers and screw the Internet. Then it worked for an hour, before doing it again … Continue reading

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Power Cut Part 2 – Electric Boogaloo

So I’ve been thinking, this power cut is a bit inconvenient since I’m at work and supposed to be working. Ultimately though I don’t really care, it’s not my problem to fix. It’ll come back on and in a day … Continue reading

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Power Cuts

Currently there’s a powercut at work. This is a bit awkward considering I teach computer science. No power, no computers. Except it’s not so bad, everyone has a laptop. I’m writing this on my Remarkable 2, next to me is … Continue reading

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Copilot – your unwanted everyday intrusion

After last night’s Windows update it appears I have something new to disable on my computer that was installed without my asking… I asked it how I could remove it, it gave me pointless generic information I could have found … Continue reading

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Roku Express 4K

Back in the mists of time I used to watch video on my TV using an XBox that I’d modded with a mod chip, running XBMC. It played videos off a Linux file server. While everyone else was playing DVDs … Continue reading

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DofE 2024

Where I probably walked more miles than the children, and everyone got very very muddy. Last weekend was the annual Duke of Edinburgh silver expedition, and once again I was herding children around the Yorkshire Dales. There wasn’t any snow … Continue reading

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Tech bubbles are so annoying

To a man with a hammer, every problem is a nail. I remember when next door’s kid was learning to talk and form his own opinions, everything coming out of his mouth started with “daddy”. The tech world is just … Continue reading

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Machine Translation is better than Chinglish.

Google Translate has a problem trying to decide the text on some mysterious drink packets I’ve got. Continue reading

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Hi, I’m a spammer, I notice you are avoiding my emails

A spammer gets weirdly passive aggressive at me. Continue reading

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I guess I need a cover for my webcam…

Uh oh, looks like I need to cover up my webcam better… Someone on the Internet infected my PC with some remote access software and recorded me watching non-advertiser friendly video. Scams today are so tedious and unimaginative… Hello there! … Continue reading

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