Author Archives: james
Accidental Fruit Tart
Attempted to cook a fruit pie, but the pastry I’d made was more like biscuit dough and didn’t want to stay together. Ended up turning it into a giant fruit tart thing instead. Worked out pretty good. The trick it … Continue reading
“Good” Morning?
I sleep with my FitBit on. Every morning it tells me how well I slept. For those with other devices (or none!) the way this works is by monitoring my heart rate, motion and blood oxygen level. It then does … Continue reading
Zen and the art of Cross Stitch
I’ve taken up cross stitch. It’s strangely relaxing.
Post contains images that are a bit NSFW… Continue reading
New Year’s Resolutions
The normal gag is to say “1080p” or “4k”, but I think I’ll go for a nice plain VGA. Nothing too ambitious, something I will actually manage to achieve. Let’s make the challenge for this year “being more healthy”. I … Continue reading
I bought an Android tablet, it’s alright…
It’s not amazing, it’s not crap. Android tablets have always been a bit weird, either oddly sized with strange screen resolutions or manky and broken addon software. Or they’re fine but never receive an Android update ever and do strange … Continue reading
Social media sucks, so I’m going back to blogging
Let’s take up blogging again like it’s 2001 instead of scattering our thoughts across whatever social network is the flavour of the week. Continue reading